
42 1 cover eng


Vol.42 No.1, Jan. 2023

Su-Houn Liu Special Issue Editor’s Note (excerpt)

The teaching of specific cases has gradually become an effective primary method of business management education in colleges. Due to the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Affairs, as well as that of various colleges, a substantial number of domestic industrial cases have been accumulated over the years. However, at this point, the amount of such funding is still insufficient. Therefore, to provide domestic scholars with an academic forum for mutual discussion and research of case teaching methods, Management Review has, since 2007, along with other excellent domestic journals indexed by TSSCI, including Journal of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Journal of E-Business, published the “Management Review Special Issue in Taiwan Industrial Cases”; indeed, they have does so numerous times.

This special issue of Management Review highlights the 14th teaching case. The issue’s “call for submissions” extended from January 2022 to July 11, 2022, a period during which a total of 34 submissions were received. According to the preliminary review, 10 publications entered a secondary review. After 4 reviews, 6 papers were selected, with the acceptance rate being 17.6%.


This issue features 6 papers: 4 management-level field cases, and 2 operational-level field case.



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