
42 2 cover eng

Managmenet Review

Vol. 42 No.2, Apr. 2023

Robin K. Chou Editor’s Note (excerpt)

This issue of Management Review contains three academic articles.


The first article, “Copywriting Strategies in Tourism Facebook Fan Page Marketing: Investigating the Role of Gender Differences” is co-written by Hsin-Lu Chang and Yu-Hsien Kung. This study aims to determine what types of tourism Facebook fan page content are suitable given a target tourism product. Specifically, we examined the copywriting strategies used to create good Facebook fan page content. In addition, we were particularly interested in exploring the role of gender in this type of decision-making. The results show that social media marketers should consider gender when designing marketing campaigns on corporate Facebook fan pages. Furthermore, gender differences also affect the design of copywriting for the product being marketed and the advertising appeals being used.


The second article, “A Study on Digitalization of Financial Supervision: An Actor-Network Analysis of Taiwan’s Internet-only Bank Supervisory System” is written by Cheng-Yun Tsang. This paper outlines an actor-network for Taiwan’s Internet-only Bank Supervisory System. It analyzes the interactions between actors and actants and the translation process within the network, and how the network informs new thinking to the cross-boundary regulatory framework for fintech.


The third article, “A Study on the CSR Disclosure of Two International Retailers: Carrefour and President Chain Store Corporation” is co-written by Peng-Yu Li and Shu-Ling Cheng. Taking  Carrefour and President Chain Store Corporation as examples, this study compares the disclosure variation in the five sub-constructs of corporate social responsibility (CSR), namely  economy, environment, employment, human rights, and community involvement between international retailers, each exhibiting differing degrees of CSR development in their home countries. The CSR disclosure by PCSC is greater than that of Carrefour and varies greatly. Additionally, Carrefour emphasizes employment and environmental constructs, while PCSC emphasizes community involvement aspects. The level of CSR disclosure by international retailers in Taiwan is increasing year by year. In the long run, international retailers have come to emphasize the virtues of CSR disclosure on community involvement, employment, and environmental aspects.



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