
Is Management Review available for access?

Certain articles published in Management Review are available for open access. Open access for English articles has been available since 2008, while for Chinese articles, it has been available since 2021. If you have a need for print copies of articles from the special issues of Management Review, you can purchase individual papers from the Kung Hwa Management Cases Collections (https://shop.kmcc.org.tw/). If you have any inquiries regarding article downloads, please feel free to email us at marskmcc@gmail.com.

I would like to submit an article to Management Review. What should I do?

Please send your submission to marskmcc@gmail.com with the subject line "Management Review_Title of Your Submission." Please include a cover page with your submission, which should contain the authors' names, affiliations, positions, contact information for the corresponding author, and email address. Submissions will be reviewed upon receipt.


I would like to submit to the special issue of Management Review. What should I do?

Please send your submissions to marskmcc@gmail.com with the subject line "Management Review Case Paper_Title of Your Submission". Be sure to include a cover page containing the authors' names, affiliations, positions, contact information for the corresponding author, and email address. Submissions will be reviewed upon receipt. Authors should take note that the formatting for special issue case papers differs from regular issue papers. Case articles are divided into "Case Text" and "Teaching Note," with abstracts presented in paragraph form, not bullet points. For detailed information, please refer to the "Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation" and "Sample Case Submission Format" documents.

Does Management Review charge a submission fee?

Starting from the July 2025 issue, a publication fee of NT$10,000 will be charged.


After the paper is accepted, when can it be published?

After the paper is accepted, authors will receive an official acceptance letter that specifies the expected volume and issue in which the paper will be published. Starting from July 2023, Management Review has implemented preprint. Once authors receive the official acceptance letter and confirm the typeset version, the paper can be pre-published online, eliminating the need to wait for the formal publication date.


The definition of "simultaneous submission."

If your research has already been accepted by another journal or is currently under review, please refrain from submitting to Management Review.

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