
Submission Format

The submission should include a cover page, abstract page, the article in full, and references. Please number the pages.

The cover page should contain the following:

  • Title of article
  • Name and affiliation of the authors
  • Contact address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the authors


The abstract page should include the title of the article, an abstract of no more than 300 words, and keywords, the maximum being five. The content should be itemized as follows:

  • Purpose
  • Design/methodology/approach
  • Findings
  • Research limitations/implications
  • Practical implications/Social implications
  • Originality/value
  • Keywords


The submission should be saved as a PDF file (including cover page, abstract page, article, and references). Please leave the file unlocked so that the editorial staff may remove identity-revealing information from the text. The author should keep a copy of the submitted file for future reference.

The manuscript should be written in 6,000–20,000 words.


Content Format

Fonts: Please use Times New Roman. The title of the article should be centered and in 18-point font; section subtitles should be in 14-point font, and the body of text in 12-point font, both aligned flush left. 

Section subtitles: The subtitles should be aligned flush left.

Charts and graphs:

  • Charts should be marked by Arabic numerals; the name of the chart should be placed above said chart. If the chart appears in the appendix, please number it accordingly (such as Chart A1, A2, etc).
  • Graphs should be marked by Arabic numerals; the name of the graph should be placed above said graph. If the graph appears in the appendix, please number it accordingly (such as Graph A1, A2, etc).
  • All charts and graphs should be drawn in grayscale; please refrain from complicated color schemes.
  • Please try to keep relevant charts and graphs close together in the layout.
  • Please place the caption/description below the chart/graph.



  • In-text citation should include cited author’s surname and the cited work’s year of publication, both enclosed within a half-width parenthesis; for instance, “(Kinsey, 1960)”.
  • If there are two authors of a cited work, both should be listed. When there are three or more authors, list the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” (do not use italics). For consecutive citations, arrange them alphabetically and separate them with semicolons, for example (Donnelly, 1961; Kinsey, 1960; Wensley, 1981).
  • If two cited works have three or more authors, and both the year of publication and the first author are the same, list the authors in order until the reader can distinguish the works. For example:
    Kapoor, Bloom, Montez, et al. (2017)
    Kapoor, Bloom, Zucker, et al. (2017)
  • For translated in-text citations, list the original author, followed by the publication year of the original work, then the publication year of the translation, for example, Piaget (1970/1972).


Mathematical formulae

  • The author should clarify the meaning and objective of the formula in the text. Overly complicated mathematical formulae (such as mathematical proof) should be placed in the appendix instead.
  • Please leave equations in the text; number equations with Arabic numerals; type numbers in parenthesis and align left. If the equation is too long to fit in one line, it should be clearly separated from the rest of the text.
  • Use footnote to clarify uncommon symbols and Greek alphabets.


List all references in alphabetic order. List the author’s surname first, followed by given name and the year of publication in parenthesis. In addition to surnames, use initials for authors’ first names. When there are fewer than 20 authors, list all authors’ names, connecting the last one with an ampersand (&). When there are 21 or more authors, list the first 19 authors, add an ellipsis in the middle, and then list the last author.

The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the references. Please check over the references carefully, making sure each quote is cited, and vice versa. Please refrain from listing unused references, and make sure that all quoted sources are documented accurately and fully.

Books: After the book title, you may add the edition number, which should not be italicized. Only list the publisher, without including the place of publication. If the book has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), please provide it.

Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C., & Allen, F. (2008). Principles of corporate finance (8th ed). McGraw-Hill.
Donnelly, J. H., & George, W. R. (1981). Marketing of services. American Marketing Association.


Periodicals: Include author, year of publication, article title, name of journal, volume number, issue designation, and page number. Italicize the journal title and volume number. If the article title ends with a question mark, there is no need to add a comma. If the journal has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), please provide it. 

Houston, J., & James, C. (1996). Bank information monopolies and the mix of private and public debt claims. Journal of Finance, 51(5), 1863–1889.
Chang, S.-C., Chen, S.-S., Chou, R. K., & Lin, Y.-H. (2008). Weather and intraday patterns in stock returns and trading activity. Journal of Banking & Finance, 32(9), 1754–1766.


Article in a book edited by author(s) other than that of said article.

Bettman, J. R., & Sujan, M. (1987). Research in consumer information processing. In M. J. Houston (Ed.), Review of marketing (pp. 197–235). American Marketing Association.
Fazio, R. H. (1990). A practical guide to the use of response latency in social psychological research. In C. Hendrick & M. S. Clark (Eds.), Review of personality and social psychology (Vol. 11, pp. 74–97). Sage Publications.


If there are two or more publications by the same author with the same publication year, use different letters after the year to distinguish them. When citing in the text, these letters must also be included.

Day, G. (1981a). Analytical approaches to strategic market planning. In B. Enis & K. J. Roering (Eds.), Review of marketing (pp. 89–105). American Marketing Association.
Day, G. (1981b). The product life cycle: analysis and applications issues. Journal of Marketing, 45, 60–67.


Unpublished manuscripts:

Srivastava, R. K., Reibstein, D. J., & Joshi, R. V. (2006). Linking marketing metrics to financial performance [Technical paper]. Zyman Institute of Brand Science.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2017). Agency financial report: Fiscal year 2017.


Master’s theses or doctoral dissertations: If the thesis is from a university’s hard copy, it is considered an unpublished thesis. However, if the thesis is obtained from a database, university archive, or personal website, it is classified as a published thesis.

Coughlin, M. (1980). Fear of success: reaction to advertising stimuli and intention to purchase [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. City University of New York.
Kimerer, D. H. (2019). Controlling turnover in an inside sales organization: what are the contributing factors (Publication No. 27543842) [Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida]. ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Global.
Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.


Conference papers:

Ellison, G. (2005, August 19–24). Bounded rationality in industrial organization [Paper presentation]. The 2005 Econometric Society World Congress, University College London.


Working papers:

Tuli, K. R., & Bharadwaj, S. G. (2008). Examining the relevance of customer satisfaction for wall street: The case of systematic and idiosyncratic risk (Report No. 08-210). Marketing Science Institute.
O’Shea, M. (2018). Understanding proactive behavior in the workplace as a function of gender [Manuscript in preparation]. Department of Management, University of Kansas.
Xu, H., & Zhou, J. (2008, September 12). The value of political connections: Chinese evidence [Working paper]. SSRN.


Websites and URLs: If a source is not archived and is continuously updated, the retrieval date should be included, such as dictionary entries, Facebook pages, and so on. For other sources, the retrieval date is not necessary.

World Health Organization. (2018, May 24). The top 10 causes of death.
Schaeffer, K. (2021, October 1). What we know about online learning and the homework gap amid the pandemic. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/10/01/what-we-know-about-online-learning-and-the-homework-gap-amid-the-pandemic/
U.S. Census Bureau. (n.d.). U.S. and world population clock. U.S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from https://www.census.gov/popclock/


Translation works:

Freud, S. (2010). Civilization and its discontents (J. Strachey, Ed. & Trans.). W. W. Norton & Company. (Original work published 1930)
Piaget, J. (1972). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood (J. Bliss & H. Furth, Trans.). Human Development, 15(1), 1–12.
https://doi.org/10.1159/000271225 (Original work published 1970)


Books in languages other than English:

Ohmae, K. (2016). Zero kara iji no hassouzyutu [“From 0 to 1” idea technique book]. Shogakukan.


Research materials and republished articles:

O’Donohue, W. (2017). Content analysis of undergraduate psychology textbooks (ICPSR 21600; Version V1) [Data set]. ICPSR.
Schechter, F. I. (1970). The rational basis of trademark protection. The Trademark Reporter, 60(3), 334–352. (Originally published 1927 in Harvard Law Review, 40(6), 813–833.)


For any cases not mentioned above, please refer to the APA 7th edition guidelines for formatting and handling.

Submission Style Guidelines

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[Management Review] Case Study Example



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